Vata Dosha

The energy that controls bodily functions associated with all movement in the body, including breathing, circulation of the blood, blinking of the eyes and your heartbeat is Vata Dosha, including the movement of your thoughts. In general, when Vata is in balance there is creativity and vitality and when out of balance Vata can produce anxiety and fear.
Vata individuals are light, excitable, and lively, with changeable moods. They are quick to learn and grasp knowledge and information, but also quick to forget. They are sensitive to the cold, with a tendency toward cold hands and feet and discomfort in cold climates.
Vatas have irregular daily routines. They are slim of build and tend to be very short or very tall. They generally have dry skin and dry hair and don't perspire much. They respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance and often have rapid, rambling thoughts. There is a tendency to act impulsively. Vatas are very artistic and creative.
Pitta Dosha